Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Effect of Success.

So far, Choice and Consequence is doing rather well. I've made a tidy little sum of money, and I could not have done it without you, the readers. Thank you all so very much for your interest in this latest jaunt into Austenesque literature by yours truly. I am astounded, elated, and truly humbled. 

If you have read the book, or are reading it now, I hope you won't mind doing me a small favor: review it. You don't have to write a lengthy missive -- just a few short lines will do. Tell me what you think, for your thoughts on my writing are the most important way you can help, even more than just buying the book. A review not only expresses your opinion on the story and style of writing, but also helps boost my ranking on Amazon and encourages others to buy the book as well. Reviews also help writers by showing them things they can work on, shows them what they're getting right, and overall boosts their happiness, making us want to write even more! I really would love to hear from my readers, so please, once you've read the book, consider stopping over at Amazon for a minute or two and jotting down a few words to tell me what you thought of it. 

So what's next? you might be wondering. Well, I've been so delighted and encouraged with the early success of Choice and Consequence that I've decided to work on a standalone Pride and Prejudice variation before moving on to the next What Might Have Been story. It's an idea that's been on my mind for some time, so I'm rather eager to be working on it. If my Muse sticks around a while, it may even be done before the end of the year. I certain cannot promise anything, but at this point I am hopeful.

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